2013 06 04 - MAT750 Notes

Exam Thurs 6/6/13 6:30pm - 9:00pm, Bring Calculator, Coverage Ends, here _________.


1500 BCEThe idea of "Greeks" has already spread... a sense of Greekness
1200 BCEThe Fall of Troy
1200 - 800 BCEThe Dark Ages
800 BCEHomer and Hesiod
This is the beginning of a Common Culture
7th Century BCEGreek Mercenaries in Egypt
510 BCEWhen Athens becomes Democratic - They replaced the single-person government with a group and voting.
The Golden Age of (Mainland) Greece
479 - 431 BCEThe Leader of Athens is Pericles?
431 - 404 BCEThe Athens Sparta War
399 BCEThe death of Socrates
367 BCEPlato (student of Soc.) Flourished
322 BCEAristotle passed (student of Plato)
323 BCEAlexander the Great passed (student of Aristotle). He gave a Universal State and there was Multi-polarity in Greece
After Alexander Passes there's Hellenism - language and math
Successor States - Such as Egypt - a cultural backwater - (Greek and had Alexandria and it's Library).
≈ 300 BCEEuclid was a math tutor to the king's children. "There is no royal road to Geometry."
The original textbook on Geometry, Euclid's Elements.
212 BCEArchimedes is Murdered
31 BCECleopatra Passed - the End of Greek Egypt, and Greek learning for that matter.

Early Greek Math

Had 3 centers

  1. Ionia (Turkish coast)
  2. South Italy/Sicily (Syracuse)
  3. Greece (the poorest of the 3)

Early Math (Greek)

Golden Mean/Section

Replication using Golden Sections

Figure 4: A recursive and geometric method of producing
Golden Sections.

1/Φ - 1 = Φ

1 - Φ = Φ2

Φ2 + Φ - 1 = 0


Golden Pentagon

Pythagorean Means (10 of them!)

On a side note about Sir Isaac Newton: Before Newton People could take the derivative and find the area under a curve; Newton said they're the same thing! He unified all this stuff!